AJF street

Allan Favish is a Los Angeles-based attorney whose focus is on General Insurance Defense and Litigation Insurance Coverage/Reinsurance & Bad Faith Litigation.  A UCLA graduate, he received his J.D. at Hastings College of Law in 1981.

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Allan Favish Letter Requesting Raw Admissions Data

[Some details in the law may change, so check the latest version before making a request.]


Mr. Ross Smith Information 
Practices and Special Projects 
University of California, Office of the President 
300 Lakeside Drive, 21st Floor 
Oakland, CA 94612-3550

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like the following information, stated separately for each of the 5 UC medical schools and each of the 4 UC law schools: For each applicant for the entering class of 1994, the applicant's GPA, raw LSAT or MCAT score, race and ethnicity, whether they were offered admission or rejected, and whether they were a California resident.

I do not want names of applicants or any other information that would constitute an invasion of privacy for any applicant.

I would like this information provided on a 3.5 inch floppy disk in a common file format. I would expect to get nine files, one for each school.

I make this request pursuant to my rights under California Government Code ยงยง6250 et seq. Hopefully you will be able to honor the 10-day response period set forth in the law.

Thank you.



Allan J. Favish

Attorney at Law

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